Make the switch to Farmplan Business Cloud

Your accounts software support will be switching over to Farmplan Business Cloud in October 2024.

As we welcome more customers to Farmplan Business Cloud and dedicate more development time to this product, we have made the decision to wind down support services for our Cash Focus and Cash Manager software by 31st October 2024.

What does this mean for you?

As a user of Cash Focus or Cash Manager software your accounts software support subscription will automatically switch over to Farmplan Business Cloud on 1st November 2024.

This means that when you pay your next accounts software support invoice you will already be covered for the switch to Farmplan Business Cloud.

You will therefore receive all the essential support services you’re used to, plus a great new accounts tool which is easy to use and fully supported, there’s no additional charge for this switch over.

What will happen to my existing Cash Focus or Cash Manager software after October 2024?

After October 2024 it’s important to know that several things will stop working in your old system. For example, you will no longer be able to submit your VAT returns, the online backups will no longer work/be accessible, and we will not be issuing any further product updates.

So what happens now?

Of course you don’t have to wait until October 2024 to switch over to Farmplan Business Cloud, there’s no time like the present. Our team will be in touch over the coming weeks to discuss getting started with Farmplan Business Cloud, but if you’d like to make the move now simply call 01594 545000 or email, or if you would like to find out more about Farmplan Business Cloud, join one of our webinars to see how you can start your new accounting journey.

Here are some FAQ’s which might help with your immediate queries:

What if I don’t want to move?

We would be very sorry to see you go, but are committed to supporting you until end of October. We will work with you over the next few months to discuss the move to Farmplan Business Cloud from Cash Focus/Manager. If you still decide not to move then we can support you to ensure your data is backed up. You can however continue to use these tools unsupported although its important to note that you will not be able to submit your VAT after this time, online backups will no longer work, we will no longer issue product updates and you will not be able to access the software support services.  

Can I move any time before October 31st?

Yes of course, you can make the switch to Farmplan Business Cloud at any time, just let us know by calling 01594 545000 or email and our team will help you.

Will there be an additional charge once I move to Farmplan Business Cloud after 31st October?

No, you can move to Farmplan Business Cloud at anytime without any additional charge. We will honour your existing support renewal until you next renewal date.

Will my support subscription be the same when I move to Farmplan Business Cloud?

Depending when you move to Farmplan Business Cloud we will honour the remainder of your current software support subscription until your next renewal. At this time you will move onto the FBC support pricing plan. You may see an increase in your support fees but rest assured you will still receive the same level of dedicated 1-2-1 support, learning resources and product updates as you are used to with Cash Focus or Manager software. 


My renewal date is 31st July, I have decided to stay with Cash Focus until 31st October while I move over to Farmplan Business Cloud. After 31st October my support will continue seamlessly onto FBC, I will not be charged anymore to move. When I receive my renewal in the following July I will move to the Farmplan Business Cloud pricing plan and therefore be charged differently/will notice a different charge for my subscription.

What will happen to my data on Cash Focus and Cash Manager?

In October 2024, Cash Focus & Cash Manager product support will end. This includes telephone support, product updates, the ability to submit MTD VAT Returns and web backups. You will still have the ability to access your data as normal, to review your historical entries and produce reports. The software should continue to work, however we cannot guarantee this. Considerations include replacing your computer or the Farmplan software not being compatible with future Windows updates. At the point of support ceasing in October 2024, we recommend you have a secure local backup of your data and you check with your Accountant if they recommend printing or saving any specific information that may be required.

Watch the demo!

Watch our demo video and see the features and functionality of Farmplan Business Cloud in action!

An introduction to Farmplan Business Cloud

Watch our video to take a closer look at the exciting features and functionality Farmplan Business Cloud has to offer.

Our team are here to help you make the switch, get in touch today.

Farmplan is an agent of Plaid Financial Ltd., an authorised payment institution regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (Firm Reference Number: 804718). Plaid provides you with regulated account information services through Farmplan as its agent.