Adding a trade – Express Plus

What type of trade should I add?

The trade types ‘Stock Purchase’ or ‘Stock Sale’ should be used to enter purchase or sale invoices, where specific products with unit values are being traded on or off farm.

The trade types ‘Credit (Purchase)’ or ‘Credit (Sale)’ should be used to enter credit notes for return of specific products with unit values.

The trade types ‘Miscellaneous Payment’ or ‘Miscellaneous Receipt’ should be used for occasions where a cost or income needs to be attributed to fields, but without being associated to a specific stock product. Examples of this type of trade could include income from an environmental scheme, or the costs of drainage.

Before you can add a miscellaneous trade, you will need to have added any required trade types in setup.

To add a stock purchase, sale, or credit note trade

From the trading module:

  1. Select + New Trade
  2. Select a trade type
  3. If necessary, adjust the stock period
  4. Select a date
  5. Enter an invoice or credit note number
  6. Select or enter a company
  7. If required, select a delivery or return date
  8. Select the tick to confirm and proceed

You will be taken to the trade drawer. To add products:

  1. Select the ‘Products’ section
  2. Select the required products
  3. The default selection is to work in quantity and unit price. If you prefer to enter details as packs, select the ‘Packs’ selector.
  4. Enter the quantity and unit price, or the pack size, quantity, and price, as appropriate
  5. Select the tick to confirm product amounts and prices
  6. Select the tick to confirm trade details.

To add a miscellaneous payment or receipt trade

From the trading module:

  1. Select + New Trade
  2. Select a trade type
  3. Select a cash trade type
  4. If necessary, adjust the stock period
  5. Select a date
  6. If required, enter a reference and select or enter a company
  7. Enter the payment or receipt value
  8. Select the tick to confirm and proceed

You will be returned to the trading module. To assign the payment or receipt to specific fields:

  1. Select the trade you have just added
  2. Select the ‘Cropping Records’ section
  3. Select the relevant fields
  4. Select the tick to confirm field selection
  5. Select the tick to confirm trade details.

For information on editing trades, see Editing trades