Field module reports
The reports detailed on this page can be accessed through the report icon on the fields module.
The following reports are available to all users:
Cropping Summary
This report lists fields grouped by their crop, variety, and farm. The field’s working area is shown, along with the percentage of total cropping this makes.
The report gives sub-totals of area and percentage by farm, variety, and crop. There is a grand total of cropped area at the end of the report.
Field Summary
This report lists fields alphabetically, and displays their field identifier (e.g, map sheet and NG number), crop, variety, and area.
The report gives sub-totals of area by farm, and a grand total of cropped area.
The following reports are available to Express Plus and Advanced users:
Crop Gross Margin
For each crop (listed alphabetically), the recorded inputs of all fields of the same crop are broken down into sections for variable costs, outputs, and fixed costs. Each section displays total value and value per ha, broken down by product types.
Variety Gross Margin
For each variety (listed alphabetically), the recorded inputs of all fields of the same variety are broken down into sections for variable costs, outputs, and fixed costs. Each section displays total value and value per ha, broken down by product types.
Crop Growing Valuation
Based on the date selected, the cost of applications to all fields of the same crop are broken down into sections for variable costs, outputs, and fixed costs. Each section displays total value and value per ha, broken down by product types.
Variety Growing Valuation
Based on the date selected, the costs of applications to all fields of the same variety are broken down into sections for variable costs, outputs, and fixed costs. Each section displays total value and value per ha, broken down by product types.