Manage Seasons

To move between existing seasons:

  • Select the year in the top right corner
  • Select the year you wish to view

All the field records displayed will now be relevant to the selected season.

To add a new season:

  • Select the year in the top right corner
  • Select Manage Seasons
  • Select + Season
  • Select the year you wish to add from the available years

The new season will be added to your season selector list.

To make a season the active season:

  • Select the year in the top right corner
  • Select Manage Seasons
  • Next to the year you wish to make active, select the three dot icon

  • Select Active Growing Season to start a new season without carrying forward any pricing from the previous season. You will then need to enter all prices for the new season.
  • Select Active Growing Season (with previous season prices) to bring forward pricing from the previous season. You will still be able to edit any prices that are brought forward from the previous season.

Changing the active season does not affect any field details or job information in the years affected by the change.