
A job is the method of planning an operation to be carried out on a field, and also to record the details of when it was completed.

Jobs typically show a collection of fields that had the same operation carried out (for example, rolling) or had the same selection of products applied to them at the same rate (for example, an application of 150kg/ha of MOP).

The jobs home page displays the status of each job by arranging them into status columns as below:

Draft  – the job is planned but not active yet

Not started – the job has been created and is waiting to be carried out

In progress – some fields in the job have been completed, but others have not yet been.

Done – all fields in the job have been completed.


For adding jobs, see Add a new Job.

Express Plus and Advanced customers also have the option to arrange collections of jobs into plans: see Add a new plan.

Jobs can be imported from your Gatekeeper agronomist: see Importing from agronomists.