Matching job details
If your agronomist uses Gatekeeper and will be publishing work plans into your Gatekeeper for you to use, there are some parts of your field and business information which need to match between the two systems. There are also some situations that will give you an import issue, and may need rectifying before the job can be successfully imported.
Field details which must match between grower and agronomist
Before you try to import a job from an agronomist, ensure that the following details match between your Gatekeeper and theirs:
- Current season
- Field names, including suffixes (if used)
- Field sizes
You will also need to have your agronomist set up in your personnel list. See Setup Personnel.
Import failure scenarios
The following scenarios will give you a red import failure. You will not be able to import the job until the situation is resolved, either by changing the information in your Gatekeeper, or by asking your agronomist to change their details and re-send the job.
- If the job has already been sent to you in Gatekeeper, and you have already imported it into jobs.
- Suggested resolution: delete the replicated job.
- If the job contains a different business name than your own.
- Suggested resolution: check with your agronomist that the correct job has come from the correct business in their Gatekeeper, and ask them to re-send the job.
- If the job is for a season which you do not have in Gatekeeper.
- Suggested resolution: check the job is for the correct cropping season. Move into the new season and import the job there. See Manage Seasons.
- If the job contains a field that does not exist in your Gatekeeper.
- Suggested resolution: create the field (see Setup Fields) and return to import the job.
- If the job contains a field that does not exist with the same name, suffix (if used) in your business in this season.
- Suggested resolution: make sure the field has a crop in the current season, and that any suffixes used match your agronomist.
- If the job contains a field with a bigger area than that field has in your Gatekeeper.
- Suggested resolution: if the agronomist has the wrong field size, ask them to adjust this and re-send the job. If your records have the wrong field size, adjust the field record.
- If there are more fields in the job than in your Gatekeeper, or if the field sizes add up to more than what is in your Gatekeeper
- Suggested resolution: if your agronomist has the wrong field sizes, as them to adjust them and re-send the job. If your records have the wrong field sizes, adjust the field records.
- If your agronomist has not been added to your personnel list.
- Suggested resolution: add your agronomist to your personnel list – see Setup Personnel.
Import warning scenarios
The following scenarios will give you an orange import warning. You will not be stopped from importing the job, but you will be warned that there is a potential issue:
- If the plan you are importing has the same name as a plan that already exists in your Gatekeeper
- If the crop or variety that your agronomist has for a field is different to the crop or variety you have against the field record
For more information on exchanging information with agronomists, please see Importing from agronomists or Issues when importing.