Product pricing
As you add a new product into your list, you have the option to enter a unit price. This function will work differently depending on which Gatekeeper subscription you have.
Gatekeeper Express users only: the price entered will be the price used for this product across the current season. You can edit this price at any point.
Gatekeeper Express Plus users only: the price entered will be the price used for this product across the current season, unless you add any trading information for this product. In that case, the unit price entered will be replaced by the average unit price calculated from the trades entered. You cannot directly edit an average unit price. For more information, see Stock product pricing.
Gatekeeper Advanced users only: you can enter a separate price per business as required. The price entered will be the price used for this product across the current season, unless you add any trading information for this product. In that case, the unit price entered will be replaced by the average unit price calculated from the trades entered. You cannot directly edit an average unit price. For more information, see Stock product pricing.