
Equipment allows you to record which machinery was involved in any job.

Equipment is split into two categories – machine or implement – and each category has a number of types.

Machine or implement?

A machine is any unit of equipment which powers its own movement – for example, a tractor, ATV, or self-propelled sprayer.

An implement is any unit of equipment which engages with the ground or applies a product to a field – for example, a drill, fertiliser spreader, or set of rolls.

Some pieces of equipment fit into both of these categories, so may need setting up as both a machine and an implement.

To add a machine

From the setup module:

  1. Select Equipment
  2. Select the ‘Machines’ section
  3. Select + New Machine
  4. Enter a machine name
  5. Select a type
  6. Optional: enter a registration number or vehicle reference
  7. Select the tick to confirm

To add an implement

From the setup module:

  1. Select Equipment
  2. Select + New Implement
  3. Enter an implement name
  4. Select a type
  5. Optional: enter an implement reference
  6. Select the tick to confirm

For more information on machines and implements and examples of each category, see Equipment types and categories.